Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jewish Pride Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Jewish Pride Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Jewish Pride Maze
Maze of a Star of David hovering afront a glowing center orb of some sort. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Having problems solving the maze? View the maze solution to Jewish Pride Maze, in the rare event you can't solve this maze on your own :)

Top Twelve Ways to Download the Jewish Pride Maze

  1. Judaica Maze Art on Facebook
  2. Jewish Pride Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Picassa Web Maze of Jewish Pride
  4. Jewish Pride Maze Art on Devian Art
  5. Jewish Pride Maze on Flickr
  6. Jewish Pride Maze on the TwitPic
  7. Maze Jewish Pride on Photobucket
  8. Jewish Pride Maze on Saatchi
  9. Jewish Pride Maze on Live Journal
  10. Jewish Pride Maze on Red Bubble
  11. Jewish Pride Maze on Rossello Damiano
  12. Jewish Pride Maze at Team Of Monkeys . Com
  13. Jewish Pride Maze on iPad Maze Blog

Art Prints

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pulsating Diamond Maze and Maze Solution - Optical illusion Mazes by Yonatan Frimer

Pulsating Diamond Maze - Optical Illusion

Diamond pulse maze art by Yonatan Frimer
The pulsating diamond is a unique type of optical illusion that uses the variation in the distance that the eyes perspective the image from so that the contrast has the effect of ghosting, causing the person to perceive and see and optical illusion within this maze. The solution to the maze requires you too look past the illusions and focus on the shape and puzzle aspects of the maze.
If you can't solve this maze, have a look at the pulse diamond maze solution